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This Blog post contains all the possible questions related to the Prime Ministers of Pakistan. You can read the question first and then click on show answer to get the answer, this will help you save a lot of time to prepare and learn the answers.
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Prime Minister of Pakistan Mcqs - Job Test Preparation 2022 |
1. Who was the first prime minister of Pakistan mcqs ?
2. Who was the second prime minister of Pakistan mcqs ?
3. Who was the third prime minister of Pakistan mcqs ?
4. Who was the fourth prime minister of Pakistan mcqs ?
5. Who was the fifth prime minister of Pakistan mcqs ?
6. Who was the sixth prime minister of Pakistan mcqs ?
7. Who was the seventh prime minister of Pakistan mcqs ?
8. Who was the eighth prime minister of Pakistan mcqs ?
9. Who was the ninth prime minister of Pakistan mcqs ?
10. Who was the tenth prime minister of Pakistan mcqs ?
10. Who was the eleventh prime minister of Pakistan mcqs ?
12. Who was the twelveth prime minister of Pakistan mcqs ?