World War MCQs with answers

World War-related MCQs are important for government job test preparation, especially in history and general knowledge sections. These questions test your understanding of key events, battles, treaties, and the major players involved in both World War I and World War II. Knowing the causes, outcomes, and significant dates related to these wars can help you score well in competitive exams. This section is designed to help candidates strengthen their grasp on global conflicts and historical events that shaped the modern world. Prepare well for such first world war multiple choice questions to improve your overall score in the exam.

World War MCQs with answers

1. Which war is often considered the first "world war"?
کونسی جنگ کو عام طور پر پہلی "عالمی جنگ" سمجھا جاتا ہے؟

a) World War I
b) Seven Years' War
c) Napoleonic Wars
d) Thirty Years' War

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b) Seven Years' War
The Seven Years' War (1756–1763) was a major global conflict that involved most of the great powers of the time, including Britain, France, Spain, Austria, and Prussia. It is often referred to as the first "world war" because it spanned Europe, the Americas, West Africa, India, and the Philippines.

2. World War I began in the early 20th century. What year did it start?
پہلی عالمی جنگ کس سال شروع ہوئی؟

a) 1912
b) 1914
c) 1916
d) 1918

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b) 1914

3. Name the countries that formed the Axis Powers in World War II.
دوسری عالمی جنگ کے دوران کن ممالک نے محور طاقتوں کا حصہ بنایا؟

a) USA, UK, Soviet Union
b) Germany, Italy, Japan
c) France, China, Soviet Union
d) Spain, Portugal, Brazil

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b) Germany, Italy, Japan

4. What was the primary cause of the American Civil War?
امریکی خانہ جنگی کی بنیادی وجہ کیا تھی؟

a) Slavery
b) Religious freedom
c) British taxation
d) Expansion to the West

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a) Slavery

5. Who were the main sides fighting in the Vietnam War?
ویتنام کی جنگ بنیادی طور پر کن کے درمیان لڑی گئی؟

a) North Vietnam and South Vietnam
b) USA and Soviet Union
c) North Korea and South Korea
d) China and Vietnam

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a) North Vietnam and South Vietnam

6. Who was the British Prime Minister during most of World War II?
دوسری عالمی جنگ کے دوران زیادہ تر برطانوی وزیراعظم کون تھا؟

a) Winston Churchill
b) Neville Chamberlain
c) Clement Attlee
d) Margaret Thatcher

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a) Winston Churchill

7. Which battle is considered the turning point in the Pacific during World War II?
دوسری عالمی جنگ کے دوران بحر الکاہل میں کونسی جنگ فیصلہ کن موڑ سمجھی جاتی ہے؟

a) Battle of Coral Sea
b) Battle of Midway
c) Battle of Iwo Jima
d) Battle of Okinawa

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b) Battle of Midway

8. Which war saw the use of trench warfare on a massive scale?
کونسی جنگ میں بڑی پیمانے پر خندق جنگ کا استعمال کیا گیا؟

a) World War I
b) World War II
c) Korean War
d) Crimean War

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a) World War I

9. Which general served as the principal commander of the Confederate forces during the American Civil War?
امریکی خانہ جنگی کے دوران متحدہ فوج کا کمانڈر کون تھا؟

a) Ulysses S. Grant
b) Robert E. Lee
c) William T. Sherman
d) Stonewall Jackson

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b) Robert E. Lee

10. The Korean War was fought between:
کوریائی جنگ کن کے درمیان لڑی گئی؟

a) China and Japan
b) USA and Soviet Union
c) North Korea and South Korea
d) Vietnam and Cambodia

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c) North Korea and South Korea

11. The Hundred Years’ War was fought between:
سو سالہ جنگ کن کے درمیان لڑی گئی؟

a) France and Germany
b) France and England
c) Spain and Portugal
d) Austria and Prussia

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b) France and England

12. Which event is commonly seen as the beginning of the Cold War?
کونسا واقعہ عام طور پر سرد جنگ کا آغاز سمجھا جاتا ہے؟

a) The Cuban Missile Crisis
b) The Berlin Blockade
c) The end of World War II
d) The Korean War

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c) The end of World War II

13. The Gulf War in 1991 was a response to:
1991 کی خلیجی جنگ کس کے ردعمل میں لڑی گئی؟

a) Iraq's invasion of Kuwait
b) Iran's invasion of Iraq
c) The rise of al-Qaeda
d) Syria's invasion of Lebanon

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a) Iraq's invasion of Kuwait

14. Which empire fought in the Punic Wars against Rome?
روم کے خلاف پونک جنگوں میں کونسی سلطنت نے حصہ لیا؟

a) Greece
b) Carthage
c) Egypt
d) Persia

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b) Carthage

15. Which treaty ended World War I?
کونسا معاہدہ پہلی عالمی جنگ کے خاتمے کا سبب بنا؟

a) Treaty of Paris
b) Treaty of Versailles
c) Treaty of Vienna
d) Treaty of Ghent

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b) Treaty of Versailles

16. Which country invaded Poland in 1939, sparking the start of World War II?
کس ملک نے 1939 میں پولینڈ پر حملہ کیا جس سے دوسری عالمی جنگ شروع ہوئی؟

a) France
b) Germany
c) Soviet Union
d) Italy

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b) Germany

17. Who led the Soviet Union during World War II?
دوسری عالمی جنگ کے دوران سوویت یونین کی قیادت کس نے کی؟

a) Lenin
b) Stalin
c) Khrushchev
d) Gorbachev

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b) Stalin

18. Which war did the Treaty of Westphalia end in 1648?
ویسٹ فیلیا کے معاہدے نے 1648 میں کونسی جنگ کا خاتمہ کیا؟

a) Thirty Years' War
b) Seven Years' War
c) Napoleonic Wars
d) War of Austrian Succession

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a) Thirty Years' War

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